Travellin' Days are Over...for now
During the last week of June, while I was in Mexico, Sarah was showing off Jude to all of her family in Texas. There were definitely some priceless pictures taken. After Camp, we had two weeks of rest until last weekend when we took several of our teens to St Louis for Soul Lift. It was a one day youth rally followed by a day at Six Flags. It had the potential to be fun, but Sarah and I were both sick, so the trip lost its luster. It is likely that the next overnight trip will be in mid to late fall.
In other news Sarah is working her first real nursing shift right now. She was really excited to finally get to wear her scrubs.
Jude is still growing and developing. He says "Da da" a lot but I don't think he knows what it means yet. He is also rolling over more often and can transfer objects from one hand to the other. He sits up fairly well for a while before tumbling over. He loves the swing that Papa John installed in our back yard. He grabs everything within reach and is showing a definite interest in food. In just a few weeks, we will start introducing him to food.
Jude Chillin by the Fountain